BETAThis site will change as we test ideas.

Generate consent forms and privacy statements for design research sessions

This service will generate customized consent forms and privacy statements for design research. This tool was developed by the Canadian Digital Service (CDS) for our own research purposes and is made available as a resource to other government departments and agencies. CDS does not collect or retain the data used to generate the consent form.

Before conducting research with the public, the consent of the participants must be obtained. Privacy notices and consent forms help empower participants by giving them information about who we are, why we are conducting research, how their data will be used, and their right to withdraw at any time in the process.

Enter information about your study below, to generate a consent form and associated privacy statement. Before using this service, please consult your policy or privacy colleagues to confirm if the research you are doing requires this documentation.

These materials are suitable for interviews and usability testing both in-person and online.

Once you've generated the forms and statements, please review them for consistency with your study. Not all of the language is appropriate for all study protocols. After internal review, send them to your department's Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) office for approval. You also need to tell them:

  • How you're planning to recruit participants.
  • Which tools you'll be using (e.g. a voice recorder, notepad or camera).
  • The activities you'll be asking the participant to do.